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5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA, 92110
United States

Satyan Devadoss, Professor of Mathematics, Professor of Computer Science, University of San Diego.

cereus data

Cereus Data

Cereus Data is a data visualization company founded in 2013, that closed its doors in 2017, after four years of service to the academic community.   Its passion revolved around producing beautiful images of relationships in academic data sets, in innovative and comprehensible ways. We partnered with colleges and universities, in complete confidentiality, to help them better understand their strengths and market potential.  We were fortunate enough to work with numerous institutions, from small liberal arts colleges, to large state universities, and a spectrum of schools in between.  

Our work was recognized in numerous articles, including Kiplinger, InsideHigherEd, Business Insider, Washington Monthly, and Forbes. Regarding our graphical work highlighting the relationship between choosing a degree and choices of a career, Bill Conerly of Forbes writes: 

It turns out that whatever the degree, the answer is most anything. And now we have the data to prove it.

The company was cofounded with two former Williams students (Hayley Brooks, Kaison Tanabe) and a business manager (Chris Kapiloff).
